Can’t find the information you’re looking for? Please use the appropriate email address listed below if you have any general questions or requests about our services. We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 – 48 hours.
For help with Feral Cat TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return), please complete the form at the link below. Please note that we only trap in certain areas (near Rochester, WA with some exceptions if we have a volunteer willing and able), and our waiting list is months long.
You can also do exactly what we do for free or very cheap. Please see this document we put together to help people in areas we do not trap or when our waiting list is too long to get to you anytime soon.
TNR Tips and Feral Kitten Taming Guide
For questions on spay and neuter for tame/owned cats, please check out the spay and neuter tab for upcoming dates. We will post them when we have them. For other questions, please email:
For questions on adoptions, please email
If you would like to be a volunteer, please complete the form below. If you have further questions, please email
For questions about being a foster, please email
For anything not listed above, you can email
Please be patient waiting for a response. We are all volunteers. Thank you.