Please note that this page will be updated when new kitties are available.
Adoptions for kittens are $200/each or $325/pair for our friendliest kitties here or at the cat cafe in Olympia. They are fixed, chipped, vaccinated, combo testing done, deflead, and dewormed. Adults and “shy guy” kitties receive the same treatment and are at a discounted rate (dependent on the level of shyness) – this is generally $150/1 or $250/pair but we do fluctuate it depending on the kitty and the unique situation.
Please also note that we do give preference to someone applying for a pair of kittens or other animals for the kitten to bond to. While us humans can love them and play with them, it isn’t the same. They really do better with a friend. Thank you for understanding, and if you were here for one, please consider a pair!
Thanks for adopting a rescue! <3